Todra Gorges

Red rocks and couscous guaranteed!

The site :
Located on the southern side of the Atlas, 15 km from Tineghi, at the entrance of the desert. Despite the aridity of the area, a spring flows into a luscious palm grove, it takes it’s source from deep inside colossal limestone rocks, almost 400m high. This is the heart of the Todra gorges, where a mystical atmosphere envelops you.

The rock:
Compact and sculpted limestone, with orange highlights.

The climbing:
The Todra gorges offer a range of choices, stunning single pitches, multipitches, and a few boulders.
From 4a to 8c, you’re sure to find something that suits you, and we keep a few secret spots just for you.

Accommodation :
We have selected for you the Les Roches hotel, right in the heart of the Todra gorges under steep slopes.
We have been regulars at this hotel for over 10 years, and this family-run business will welcome you with all the warmth and hospitality of a traditional Moroccan family.

Resting days :
-A walk in one of the most beautiful palm groves in Morocco: the Tineghir Palm Grove.
-A trek on one of the high plateaus at the summit of the gorges, offering a magnificent view of the Sahroh Massif, where we should encounter nomads.
-A visit to the Tineghir souk (market).

Crag Climbing Trip

Todra Gorges - Rock Climbing Trip

This trip is open to everyone.

If you have never practiced rock climbing, you will be able to initiate in to a world-renowned sport. However if you already climb, this trip could enable you to perfect your technique, or simply be an enjoyable holiday where you will appreciate climbing beautiful routes on the famous red rocks seen in glossy magazines.

Program :

  • Day 1 : transport to Todra
  • Day 2 : rock climbing
  • Day 3 : rock climbing
  • Day 4 : rock climbing
  • Day 5 : return transport
  • Level : beginner to intermediate (suitable for people aged 12+)

  • Groups : minimum 4 people

  • Available : February – June and September – November

  • Transport not included (contact us)

  • 4 nights full board

  • Price for groups of over 6 people : 250€/pers

  • Longer trips are available (7days/6nights) : contact us


320 €

Infos - Réservation
Multipitch Trip

Todra Gorges – “Multi Pitch Route climbing”

A minimum of 5 days are necessary to fully enjoy the Todra Gorges.

This trip is aimed at intermediate level climbers, who can progress without difficulty top roping on a 6a.

This will be a great opportunity to fully master technique and progress with the help our qualified guide.


  • Day 1 : transport from Marrakech, departure must be before 1pm
  • Day 2 : multi pitch climb 1 (120m easy 5+)
  • Day 3 : multi pitch climb 2 (250/300m 6a+)
  • Day 4 : multi pitch climb 3 (400m 5+/6a)
  • Day 5 : transport return to Marrakech
  • Level: intermediate climber, level 6a top rope (15 years and up)

  • Groups : 2 people

  • Available all year round except in summer (winters can get very cold)

  • Transport: included (from Marrakech)

  • Four nights full board

  • Price for one person alone : 750€

  • Longer trips are available (7days/6nights): contact us


470 €

Info - Reservations


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